CBSE Board Result 2024 Delhi Students who is in coma two years ago got 93 percent in 12th class

If the intentions are high then golden success can be tasted even in difficult times. Madhav, an 18-year-old student from Delhi, has surprised everyone by performing well in the 12th class examination despite suffering from brain hemorrhage affecting one-third of his brain. Madhav, a student of Amity International School, Pushpbihar, was in coma for 10 days after brain hemorrhage. By scoring 93 percent marks in the recent CBSE results, he has shown that victory belongs to those who do not give up even in difficult circumstances.

According to media reports, in August 2021, after tenth standard, Madhav’s brain capacity started getting affected. Due to arteriovenous malformation, blood started flowing inside his brain and one-third of his brain was badly affected. Due to this, he started facing problems in writing, mathematics, logic etc. Madhav remained in coma for 10 days after brain hemorrhage.

Madhav had even forgotten to speak.

According to his father Dilip Sharan, when Madhav reached coma, he was admitted to the ICU of the hospital. At that time it was difficult to say whether Madhav’s condition would ever be the same as before or not. Whether he will be able to understand things like before or not. Upon regaining consciousness, Madhav had completely forgotten how to speak.

did not lose courage

For the next one year, Madhav had to undergo many serious surgeries. A part of his skull was cut off. Despite this Madhav did not lose courage. He gradually gained mobility and started speaking. After this Madhav turned towards his books. In the beginning, the biggest problem was in understanding Hindi and English languages.

self study

Madhav returned to school in July 2022. Madhav chose Hindi, English, History, Political Science, Fine Arts and Physical Education as his subjects in 12th. He rejected any offer of support from his family and started studying himself. Due to his immense determination, he achieved that level of success which perhaps at one time seemed impossible. Today everyone is saluting his spirit.

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